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Ucla Control Systems Final Exam and Solution

Introduction to Feedback Control Systems

Course Summary: Undergraduate-level (CMPE141/EE154) & graduate-level (CMPE241/EE241) introduction to control of continuous linear systems using classical feedback techniques. Design of feedback controllers for command-following error, disturbance rejection, stability, and dynamic response specifications. Root locus and frequency response design techniques (Bode). Nyquist stability criterion. Design of dynamic compensators. Examples are drawn from electrical, mechanical, applications. Computer aided design with MATLAB.

Lectures & Sections:
Lectures: Tu/Th - Merrill 102
Section 1 (TA) - Mon 3:30 - 4:40 - ENG 194
Section 2 (TA) - Tue 6:00 - 7:10 - Merrirll 102 (same as the class)

EE103 - Signals and Systems
AMS27 - Mathematical Methods for Engineers
Equivalent (Basic Circuit Analysis, Basic Dynamics, Differential Equations, Complex Numbers)

Assignments & Grading:

EE 154 (Undergraduate)

Homework 20%
Attendance 10%
Mid Term 30%
Final Exam 40%

CE 241 (Graduate)
Homework 20%
Attendance 10%
Mid Term 20%
Final Exam 40%
Final Project 10%

Textbook: Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Gene Franklin, J.D. Powell, Abbas Emami-Naeini, Prentice Hall; 6th edition (October 3, 2009), ISBN: 0136019692

TA Section Notes TA 01 Notes
TA 02 Notes
TA 03 Notes
TA 04 Notes
TA 05 Notes
TA 06 Notes
TA 07 Notes
TA 08 Notes
TA 09 Notes
TA 10 Notes

TA Exam Review Section Notes Mid Term Exam - Review Notes
Final Exam - Review Notes
Midterm Exam - Solution

Supplement References

Class 01: Complex Numbers
Class 03: ODE 1; ODE 2
Class 04: Laplace Transform
Class 05: Block Diagram Algebra
Class 11: Bode Plot Graph Paper
Class 13: Polar Plot Graph Paper

Homework (textbook - 6th edition)

HW #1

: Due: Oct. 3 - Basic Feedback Systems
1.2 (8 points)
1.4 (35 points - 7 per section)
1.5 (8 points)
1.8 (49 points - 7 per section)

Solution to HW #1

HW #2: Due: Oct. 10 - Systems & Dynamics Modeling
2.1 (15 points)
2.3 (15 points)
2.14 (15 points)
2.15 a,b,c,d (10 points each)
2.19 (15 points)

Solution Guidlines for 2.1a
y is a dispalcment input to the system. There is no mass attached to y.

Solution Guidlines for 2.14
Write the Kirchhoff's Current Law for the V- input junction
Write the Kirchhoff's Current Law for the V+ input junction
Express V- as a function of R_f, R_in, R_out, V_in, V_out
Express V+ as a function of R , r , V_in, V_out
Express V- and V+ as a function of N and P
Plug the expression of V+ and V- into the equation in Q 2.10
V_out=[10^7(V+ - V-]/(s+1)
Express the transfer function V_out/V_in

Solution to HW #2

HW #3: Due: Oct. 24 - Laplace
2.20 (8 points)
3.15 (15 points)
3.2 b (7 points)
3.2 c (7 points)
3.3 c (7 points)
3.4 d (7 points)
3.5 a (7 points)
3.7 c (7 points)
3.7 f (7 points)
3.8 c (7 points)
3.8 e (7 points)
3.9 c (7 points)
3.9 e (7 points)

Solution to HW #3

HW #4: Block Diagrams, Time Specs
3.19 (10 points)
3.20 c (15 points)
3.21 d (15 points)
3.22 (15 points)
3.23 (15 points)
3.25 (15 points)
3.31 (15 points)

Solution to HW #4

HW #5:Time Specs, Stability
3.27 (20 points)
3.29 (40 points)
3.30 (20 points)
3.42 a (10 points)
3.43 a (10 points)

Solution to HW #5

HW #6: Root Locus Design
Solution to HW #6

HW #7: Bode
Solution to HW #7

HW #8: Gain / Phase Margins - Nyquist
Solution to HW #8

HW #9: Review

Problems (Scanned from the textbook - 6th edition)

Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 - Problems

Chapter 3 - Problems
Chapter 4 - Problems
Chapter 5 - Problems
Chapter 6 - Problems


Mid Term Exam Scheduled for Nov. 12 (in class)
Final Exam Scheduled for * (in class)

Final Project (Graduate Students)

Ucla Control Systems Final Exam and Solution
