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Easy way to find diamond?

  • #1 May 19, 2012

    I need good tips on how to find some diamond?!? (I don't like to duplicate)

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  • #2 May 19, 2012

    1) Craft pick.

    2) Find stone.

    3) Dig down.

    4) Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4.

    Last edited by Vekh: Mar 7, 2013

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    Stop inspecting my post so closely.

  • #3 May 19, 2012

    Mine down to level 10.6 and start digging a 3 x 3 square making tunnels :)

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  • #11 May 19, 2012

    Start a quarry 20x20 that goes down to bedrock, then put down 12 blocks and stand on top of them so you are on the 12th layer and start digging into a wall

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  • #13 May 19, 2012

    step 1. find a village with a smith
    step 2. loot the chest(and hope there is diamond in it)
    step 3. steal all the bloks you need and then destroy the village and it's residents.
    step 1. be a lucky *******(like me)
    step 2. accidentaly find a cave/dungeon/underground ravine/etc. while making a house/a basement for your house.
    step 3. find out that there is diamond in the cave/dungeon/underground ravine/etc.

    however i don't realy care for diamond i just put it in a chest anyway, i only use an iron pick to mine gold and diamond and a diamond pick to mine obsidian and for the rest i just use stone and wood

    i hope my trick is the same as my name(da bestest)

    This isnt the PC forum just sayin

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  • #14 May 19, 2012

    WOW, most of these posts.... just horrible repetiveness.
    Find a tunnel system that goes pretty deep down. When or IF you start to see lava keep searching any joining tunnels. As well as dig out the gravel and dirt. Dont bother with the dirt and gravel unless your close to bedrock or youll just find coal ,or water ,or grass ,maybe iron. Nine times out of ten if a cave system hits lava and there are conjopining tunnels you will find diamond.

    Digging straight down = bad idea
    spiral stair case = to much work and much less ore (robertlindsay, has a good idea though for the spiral) (see to much work)
    steal from village = Realy??
    quarry 20 x 20 = GET REAL
    dig to level 10.6 = This is not the pc, we dopnt have a depth meter crap or console commands

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  • #18 May 20, 2012

    step 1. find a village with a smith
    step 2. loot the chest(and hope there is diamond in it)
    step 3. steal all the bloks you need and then destroy the village and it's residents.
    step 1. be a lucky *******(like me)
    step 2. accidentaly find a cave/dungeon/underground ravine/etc. while making a house/a basement for your house.
    step 3. find out that there is diamond in the cave/dungeon/underground ravine/etc.

    however i don't realy care for diamond i just put it in a chest anyway, i only use an iron pick to mine gold and diamond and a diamond pick to mine obsidian and for the rest i just use stone and wood

    i hope my trick is the same as my name(da bestest)

    I don't think they have villages in Minecraft:Xbox 360 Edition. But I know there is a village on the tutorial.

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  • #20 Mar 28, 2013

    Go to Level 10.6 or Level 7.6 Dig out a 3x3 or 4x4 square and A-semetrical tunnels with torches keep Searching.I got about 39 Diamonds doing this trick Goodluck!!!

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  • #22 Mar 28, 2013

    You will always find more diamonds under an ocean than anywhere else just use your map to find level 10 and dig up three slots so your mining 10 11 and 12 at the same time go in a line till you find some just stay on lvl 10 you will find plentyJust follow the video but do it near the sea i started to do like this and would get one stack of diamond for every double chest full of cobble

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  • #23 Mar 28, 2013

    Oiy, this is an old thread... I am amazed at the number of posts that recommended counting up from bedrock. Much more reliable to use your map, IMO.

    Otherwise, mine on Level 12 (you'll encounter less lava in the walls and above you than on Level 10) and bring a bucket of water to turn any lava at your feet into obsidian. Then dig horizontal tunnels in whatever pattern turns your fancy. Bring a fortune pickaxe with you and whatever diamonds you find will be increased by threefold (on average).

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  • #24 Mar 28, 2013

    Step 1. Generate a world (Ignore if have one ready)
    Step 2. Put it in creative.
    Step 3. Look at the building blocks on give your self as many diamond blocks as you need.
    Step 4. Save&Exit.
    Step 5. Re-enter in survival.
    Step 6. PROFIT!!!

    Ok, that was a joke. Here is my way.

    Step 1. Get a pick.
    Step 2. Mine down untill you find redstone/diamonds.
    Step 3. Start to strip mine (Mine in a straight line) as far as you can.
    Step 4 (OPTIONAL, But recomended) Brance off from said mine.
    Step 5. Profit, Good enderdragon fight, and full diamond tools and armor :-D.

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    I hate all of you.

  • #25 Mar 28, 2013

    I managed to find 54 diamonds in about an hour and a half last night. I have a pick-ax with fortune III on it, but still, I found five diamond ore veins in about an hour and a half.

    Here is what I did:

    Dig down until you hit Y:8

    At Y:8 dig out an 8 x 8 room (roof height doesn't really matter, I made it 4 high)

    Watch out for lava! I hit a lava pool on two sides of the room and quickly sealed them up with cobblestone.

    Now, start a tunnel on one side of the room, two high by two wide, dig back 30 or 40 blocks.

    In the two wide by two high tunnel, every two blocks, dig a tunnel that is one block wide by two blocks high, dig back 30 or 40 blocks for each of these.

    Repeat on the other side of the tunnel.

    You should find a few veins of diamond ore, lots of redstone, quite a bit of iron ore, and even the occasional gold.

    Once you've done this on one side of your 8 x 8 room, go back and start a new two wide by two high tunnel in one of the other walls and start the process over again.

    Also, I put a bed, a few furnaces, a crafting table and a chest in my 8 x 8 room so that I could smelt iron and gold and craft new pick-axes as you go through them pretty quick doing this, and the chest for storing all the cobblestone and coal I ended up with.

    As an added bonus, smelt the cobblestone back into stone for the XP you'll get for it - so you can enchant all the cool diamond tools and armor you will be making.

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  • #26 Mar 28, 2013

    Oiy, this is an old thread... I am amazed at the number of posts that recommended counting up from bedrock. Much more reliable to use your map, IMO.

    Otherwise, mine on Level 12 (you'll encounter less lava in the walls and above you than on Level 10) and bring a bucket of water to turn any lava at your feet into obsidian. Then dig horizontal tunnels in whatever pattern turns your fancy. Bring a fortune pickaxe with you and whatever diamonds you find will be increased by threefold (on average).

    I think the reason they didn't say anything about using the map for the Y coordinate is because the coordinates on the map were added in a later update.

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  • #27 Mar 29, 2013

    I think the reason they didn't say anything about using the map for the Y coordinate is because the coordinates on the map were added in a later update.

    By golly, you're right... I had completely forgotten that we didn't have coordinates on the maps at the beginning. Thanks for setting me straight.

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  • #33 Apr 1, 2013

    You guys have forgot about digging straight down to bedrock and filling said hole with TNT and making a big hole in the ground come on you people need to read before you post cause most of this is the same thing suggested. -.-

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  • #34 Apr 1, 2013

    i end up finding diamond while harvesting obsidian from underground lava lakes.

    perhaps not the fastest, but if you want obsidian for other projects it's a nice bonus.
    other than that i'll explore caves and mineshafts..

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  • #35 Apr 28, 2014

    1. Keep digging until u hit bedrock go up to layer 12 (sometimes diamonds can be found near bedrock
    2. keep digging straight and there u will find diamonds

    please put a like if it works

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  • #36 Apr 28, 2014

    WOW, most of these posts.... just horrible repetiveness.
    Find a tunnel system that goes pretty deep down. When or IF you start to see lava keep searching any joining tunnels. As well as dig out the gravel and dirt. Dont bother with the dirt and gravel unless your close to bedrock or youll just find coal ,or water ,or grass ,maybe iron. Nine times out of ten if a cave system hits lava and there are conjopining tunnels you will find diamond.

    Digging straight down = bad idea
    spiral stair case = to much work and much less ore (robertlindsay, has a good idea though for the spiral) (see to much work)
    steal from village = Realy??
    quarry 20 x 20 = GET REAL
    dig to level 10.6 = This is not the pc, we dopnt have a depth meter crap or console commands

    I Dig straight down my armour is good enought that i did staright down WITH a enhanted Golden apple if a land in a lava pit or Pile of mobs

    I never Steal from villages.Leave their stuf like it is.Steal from vilage LOL and Really bad idea i used to mine out the hole village when TU12 came out for wood but then once a golem got mad at me and kiled me.

    Stair case down to Y10-12 is my best bet because you also get alot of cobbolestone which i use to build.

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