Is there any connection between keto and cellulite? Yes, and more than you think… If you have cellulite you are not alone. About 90 percent of ladies have this bumpy appearance that is noticeable under the skin.

Cellulite is not just fat. It is a more complex condition than you may think. It is driven by hormones, metabolism, inflammation, age, genes, diet, and lifestyle.

Today, you will learn the science behind cellulite, and how to obviously reduce cellulite and build stronger skin tissue with weight loss, muscle tone, burning excess fat, and a diet plan high in the best foods to target collagen manufacturing while making cellulite disappear.

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite, also known as Gynoid lipodystrophy, is a term for the formation of lumps and dimples in the skin.
Cellulite happens when the connective tissue in the layer of your skin weakens and allows fat to bulge through making an uneven appearance.

Recent studies have shown that cellulite is an internal inflammatory condition that is affected by several factors such as Hormonal imbalance (especially Estrogen), water retention, poor circulation, weakness of the connective tissue, toxins accumulated in our body, and extra fat.

What Is Keto?

The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, high-fat and moderate protein diet. When we eat less than 50 grams of carbs a day, our body eventually runs out of fuel it can use quickly (blood sugar). This typically takes 3 to 4 days. Then we will start to break down protein and fat for energy.

When our body using fat as energy instead of carbs this process called ketosis. The Keto Diet can help solve many health problems and can help you lose weight in the process (not bad ha?)
Can you believe it first started over 90 years ago, as a cure for epilepsy in children?

woman hiking

Is it possible to reverse cellulite?

The easiest way to eliminate cellulite is to change your lifestyle. It's harder than getting injections or liposuction, but it is also more effective. The key here are persistence and consistency.

Can Diet help with cellulite?

Diet is one of the most important things when it is coming to get rid of cellulite! When your diet is unbalanced, full of sugar and processed foods, you won't get rid of our lumpy friend. Even if you exercising and do a special treatment for cellulite reduction, but your diet isn't good, you won't be able to get good results.

Watch  here about anti-cellulite diet

Does Keto diet reduce cellulite?

The answer is yes! Keto and cellulite are connected! In reality, its one of the best diet plans for cellulite because it targets water weight and burns fat in the proper places where cellulite usually forms.

The ketogenic diet reduces fat via several mechanisms, making it an obvious candidate for future trials on cellulite reduction.

How Can Keto Reduce Cellulite?

Since the keto diet is all about burning fat, the stores of fat that have collected under your skin layer where cellulite is formed will start to be properly used up as fuel.

Secondly keto is a diet without sugar, which is the worst enemy of smooth butt.

In this burning procedure, your cellulite starts to slowly break down and become less compressed against the skin.

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keto and cellulite

The best keto foods to eliminate cellulite

There are a great number of other options for keto diet plans, but because you want to focus on cellulite, we will take a look on the right foods that are ketogenic and cellulite busting too.

1. Healthy Fats

Grass-fed ghee, butter, and beef are full of CLA for fat and cellulite reduction. MCT Oil may reduce body fat and stimulate ketone manufacturing in the liver. Oily fish like salmon, sardines, and anchovies are high in omega-3 important essential fatty acids to lessen infection and stop obesity and cellulite.

Avocados contain monounsaturated fat and full-spectrum supplement E for healthier skin and free radical sequestration. Olive oil has monounsaturated fat and vitamin E. Nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, and macadamias are both nutrient-dense, complete of healthier fats, and a great snack on a low-carb diet.

avocado split in helf

2. Collagen rich meals and supplements

Collagen supports connective tissue and improves skin health and elasticity. Estrogen imbalance can affect collagen production.
You can make a wonderful collagen meal- bone broth, or purchase a collagen supplement.

3. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach are rich in folate for the generation of new cells, including skin cells. Leafy greens also full with antioxidants which fight free radicals and detoxify our body.

Learn more about anti-cellulite diet

4. Water and Green Tea Extract

We all know about water consumption advantages. From boosting metabolism and helping to lose weight, to nurturing the skin and make it young and beautiful. Green tea extract has substances called catechins that increase fat metabolism as well.

keto and cellulite

5. Lemons

Lemons are reduced in carbs and full of vitamin C for collagen formation and skin vitality. Squeezing half a lemon in a glass of water (first thing in the morning) will improve our immune system and support our weight loss journey. Vitamin C in the lemon will help our skin to look vital and young by nurturing the connective tissue.

Tips to maximize fat loss in 2020

One day anti cellulite keto plan


Smoked Salmon With Eggs and Avocado – an ideal start to the afternoon with an abundance of fatty acids utilizing the salmon and avocado. Along with its high dietary fiber content, the avocado will eliminate toxins and its own high magnesium levels will strengthen collagen which can make your skin less dimply.


Spinach Frittata – Besides the spinach which will be filled with cellulite busting magnesium, you'll also add in Parmesan cheese with its beneficial minerals and add in onions and garlic to get an immune system boost with their high sulfur substances. Sulfur clears out the lymph system, preventing any toxins from gathering in contributing to cellulite formation.


Chicken with creamy broccoli – With chicken breast, you can get your full protein intake which will increase the elasticity of the skin and the broccoli is good for cleansing the liver for effective toxin disposal. Fundamentally fewer toxins suggest less cellulite.

Click here for a 7-day anti-cellulite meal plan

keto and cellulite food

Patience Girl…

If you can stay 3 months on this diet, you will definitely see cellulite decrease. You may surrender after the initial month after your craving of carbs becomes too tempting, or seeing exactly how worse your cellulite is looking.

But trust me, when you pass this very first change phase in which the body is getting accustomed using fat for gas and the skin is beginning to re-adjust and get its tightness back, you may be on the road to having SMOOTH SKIN as soon as once more

Bottom Line

Women following a keto diet have reported significant reductions in cellulite. Note that, at first, it might look worse, although the fat has become less dense and is being broken down.

If you stay active it can improve considerably. Following the fat is lost the body requires a small time and energy to 'tighten up' and reabsorb excess epidermis and tissue. Eating plenty of nutrients and a diet low in toxins will all support the recovery regarding the skin.

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